Gas, Food, & Lodging

You've been traveling down some heart-worn highway, some Utah byway even, and you're ready to exit. The signs coming up ahead show a couple options for some gas. Maybe you're looking more for food. There's a McDonald's at the next one, even a Krystal's. Maybe you want to find a nice motel to lay your head down. A place that might offer some companionship as well. Regardless, the next exit coming up is going to have to be it: exit 144. Off this exit is a strange town where legend has it that your dreams become reality, even the nightmares. So overtake this semi ahead of you and take exit 144 to a place of potentially possibilities. The road ahead is as bleak as you make so why not take a reprieve. Turn that blinker on. You'll regret it if you don't.


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See the cat in the image below and save the world.
A figure of a cat hidden in the shape of the tree branches



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